Our G.E.M. Programs
G.E.M. Gather Groups
Program is designed for teen girls who are between the grades of 6th-12th.
G.E.M. Encourage-Based Curriculum
G.E.M. has developed its own curriculum that is used to encourage all participants. Within this curriculum is the utilization of social and emotional development and learning.
Creative Expression Outlets
Each gathering will provide an opportunity for creative expression for each participant. Freedom in creative expressions helps with reflection, confidence, and embracing of uniqueness and diversity.
Group Mentorship & Connectedness
G.E.M. is all about connectedness and doing life together. For we know we are better together than we are alone. We work to provide a safe and fun environment for our G.E.M’s to thrive together.
G.E.M Talks
After each lesson participants will reflect and discuss key points on what they learned and how they can keep moving forward with new insight.

G.E.M.’s Rise Connection Workshops
Designed for partnered G.E.M. Chapters. Non G.E.M. Chapters may make an inquiry for guest workshop appearance in Connect Page
G.E.M. Life Skills
G.E.M. High School Preparedness (Middle School)
G.E.M. Whole and Well
G.E.M. College & Career Readiness
G.E.M. is for academic and career success! With notification to your email account G.E.M. will let you know of upcoming college and career readiness workshops. This is for the participant and the parent/guardian.
G.E.M. Envision Brunches
What better way to grow in community than through a good meal! G.E.M. provides our participants with a brunch to discuss various topics or provide an outlet for creativity (i.e. paint party). Also, brunches will provide life skill lessons (i.e. financial literacy). Event dates will be emailed to participants.
G.E.M. Family Nights
G.E.M. is all about ensuring that the whole family is receiving resources and information just as their teens are and thriving wthin their household and community. G.E.M. hosts varying family workshops and family nights.
G.E.M. Creative Expression
There is something powerful and beautiful about creating. Creating could mean singing, dancing, painting, drawing, poetry, and more. G.E.M. wants to provide a night where you can freely express yourself through the arts.

Can't Book a Workshop? No Problem! Be on the lookout for our Upcoming Mini G.E.M. Rise Modules. Coming Fall 2024!

Outcome for GEM’s

- Learning your greatest qualities & attributes
- Building self-confidence
- Understanding your values
- Knowing your worth

- When faced with hardships learning resiliency
- Value of perseverance
- Never giving up
- Discovering your strengths

- Seeing the value and worth of others
- Avoiding isolation
- Encouraging each other
- Communicating clearly
- Empathize with others

- Being empowered to making important decisions
- Envisiong success
- Setting SMART goals
- Motivating oneself

- Understanding what is done today impacts tomorrow
- Making powerful choices
- Enhancing desire for well-being
- Staying true to your unique design